Shake, shake, shake it up! It’s time to have a tough conversation Boss.

Let’s talk about the biggest disconnect between generations to date. I’m talking about consumer behavior and purchasing patterns for younger generations.
Younger consumers have developed a unique craving for something that older businesses have neglected over the years, and that is the power of depth.
A story.
Something greater than just a product or a service.
An experience.
This is what the millennial generation is looking for.
If you run a business and are failing to connect with the “millennial generation” then I encourage you to try this approach. Start by replacing pride in your marketing message with humility.
Share a humbling, relatable, relevant, and teachable moment with your audience. Most view this character trait as a weakness while failing to realize that it actually emits strength.
Want to know why?
Because not everyone is confident enough to drop their walls and get vulnerable.
Perhaps it’s because we find ourselves avoiding the chance to be judged? Rejected, misunderstood, not accepted? Do any of these ring a bell?
Some of our worst moments in life yield some of the most beautiful outcomes.
We have become so use to living the life of smoke and mirrors. A constant highlight reel, projecting what we think people want to see of us instead of sharing with them who we really are.
Don’t get me wrong, I am 💯 for styling your life to connect with your audience on social media, but only as long as it is authentic and reflects who you truly are as a person.
All of this directly affects how you grow and develop your branding identity for your business. Because the message you choose to share with your audience not only has the power to affect your business, but it has the power to affect future generations. So what message are you sending through your brand?
Instead of thinking about what you can take from your target market, start thinking about what value you can give them.
This small mindset shift will open a world of opportunity and will begin attracting opportunities your way organically. Seriously, just give it a try!
Think beneath the surface.
Younger generations want to know the face behind the brand. They want to hear your story.
Through technology and social media, I believe that our society has become so disconnected, dare I say dysfunctional, with relationships that there is now this innate craving for just that... functional relationships.
Relationships without the filter. Real, honest, loyal, & humble relationships.
People are craving more than ever to be connected on a deeper level.

So my point behind this post is to educate you, The Boss behind the brand, on the importance of sharing your heart with your audience. Not only for their benefit, but your own as well. I promise you, it is sooo liberating!
So you may be thinking... How do I even start this process?
Take a deep breath and start with YOU.
Step one is to reflect on your story.
Dig deep into your passion, your purpose, and who lies within your sphere of influence.
Who are you talking to? Who are your people? What story are you telling them? Why?
These answers are what will set the tone for your brand's identity.
Dig deep on your mission statement. What’s your brand manifesto, or Declaration of intent to your consumers? *Cough Cough* Manifesto is also just fancy lingo meaning: What is your brands promise? What value are you going to deliver to your consumer?
Why should they trust you? All of this matters!
By answering these important questions, you will be well on your way to establishing a brand presence that becomes naturally magnetic to the people you are trying to connect with. And the most mind blowing part of it is that selling becomes simple!
You will no longer come off as salesy and you will begin to be more fulfilled when a sale is organically fulfilled.

Always bring it back to the basics of humanity and always follow the golden rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
If you don’t want to be cold called or sold too, stop doing it to others.
Instead create an opportunity... an experience... that facilitates a relationship to grow.
I cannot wait for you to discover the beauty, value, and capability of a brand presence that is filled with passion and fueled by purpose.
Never forget that your story happened on purpose, for a purpose.
I would love to hear more about your thoughts regarding this topic. Let me know what generation you are and what tactics work best for your target market below!
Until next time Boss
Laine Napoli
The Brand Gal